
balloonsThis is a collective of random and hand selected poems, photography, stories, loves, life, travels and musings a plenty.  A nature centered around journey, spontaneity, excitement and adventure has led me to become the person I am and the being I am steadily growing to become.  My interests range anywhere from my love of art, to humanitarianism, to sustainability, to world peace, and issues of giddy and grandeur–to categorize as you see fit.

Prior to leaving the nest to heed the call from what has come to be the only place I truly whole-heartedly call home; I was a shy, reserved somewhat pessimistic little lady living with many regrets bound by rebelliousness and fear.  Although, I may call ‘home’ a collective archipelago of volcanic rock, unbridled energy, and unconditional love; I feel most at home and alive when constantly in motion–discovering the depths of our ever impressive Magna Mater, from surf to wild blue yonder.  What has burst forth and blossomed of this prior apprehension and uncertainty, has shaped a most beautiful creature whom I adore.  And maybe, you will too….

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